Once an order is shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation email. That email will contain a tracking link. To track your package, simply click the link. Note that, from the time your package is shipped, tracking information may take up to 48 hours to update.
Transit time varies from region to region. Please select your country from the dropdown below to see detailed delivery information:
Once placed, your order will ship from our Toronto warehouse in 1-3 business days. The moment your package leaves our facility, you'll receive a shipping confirmation email with tracking details. Orders destined within Canada will arrive in 1-4 business days (not including weekends) after leaving our warehouse.
Canadian customers will not have to pay any customs fees to receive their orders. Canadian customers will receive free shipping on all orders over $75.
Once placed, your order will ship from our New York warehouse in 1-3 business days. The moment your package leaves our facility, you'll receive a shipping confirmation email with tracking details. Orders destined within the US will arrive in 1-3 business days (not including weekends) after leaving our warehouse.
US customers will receive free shipping on all orders over $60.
Once placed, your order will ship from our North American warehouse in 1-3 business days. The moment your package leaves our facility, you'll receive a shipping confirmation email with tracking details. Orders destined within will arrive in to business days (not including weekends) via .
Any customs or import fees will be the responsibility of the customer.
Latercase doesn't currently ship to . To request support for this country, please contact support.
If you are ordering for delivery in the US or Canada, you will not have to pay any fees to receive your order. Some international countries may impose additional taxes or duties on imported goods. These additional taxes or duties are set by your local government and are entirely out of our control. If applicable, Latercase will not be responsible for any import taxes or duties. For further details of charges, please contact your local Customs office directly.
Infrequently, packages can be delayed due to unexpected events. If the estimated transit time has passed and there has been no recent movement on the tracking information page, we recommend reaching out to the courier with your tracking number. If they are unable to assist you, please contact support.
The transit time for next-day shipping is calculated from the moment that the package leaves our HQ. If you selected next-day shipping at checkout and the courier didn’t attempt to deliver the following business day (not including weekends or holidays), please contact support for a resolution.