Transit time varies from region to region. Please select your country from the dropdown below to see detailed delivery information:
Once placed, your order will ship from our Toronto warehouse in 1-3 business days. The moment your package leaves our facility, you'll receive a shipping confirmation email with tracking details. Orders destined within Canada will arrive next-day (not including weekends) via Purolator.
Canadian customers will not have to pay any customs fees to receive their orders.
Once placed, your order will ship from our New York warehouse in 1-3 business days. The moment your package leaves our facility, you'll receive a shipping confirmation email with tracking details. Orders destined within the US will arrive in 1-5 business days (not including weekends) via USPS.
US customers will receive FREE SHIPPING on all orders.
Once placed, your order will ship from our North American warehouse in 1-3 business days. The moment your package leaves our facility, you'll receive a shipping confirmation email with tracking details. Orders destined within will arrive in to business days (not including weekends) via .
Any customs or import fees will be the responsibility of the customer.
Latercase doesn't currently ship to . To request support for this country, please contact support.